11h30-13h00: Round table around inclusive architecture and urbanism in Brussels, in dialogue with the architects Apolline Vranken, Camille Kervella from the collective Architecture qui Dégenre and the intersectional feminist activist Shahin Mohammad, co-founder of the collective Féministe Radicalement inclusive et Définitivement Antivalidiste, F.R.i.D.A..
13h00: Lunch at Moussem, Rue Mégissiers 6, Anderlecht (Brussels).
15h00: Soundwalks from Q(ee)R Codes series, realised by Anna Raimondo with the participation of
Soah Gooverst and Shahin Mohammad in Place de la Résistence and Maison Erasme (Anderlecht), followed by a drink.
Free entrance / Reservation required before September 7th via
The round table and the soundwalk in Erasmus House will be accessible for deaf peole through sign
language by Shahin Mohammad.
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