30 June 17hs | Buenos Aires Argentina
Cristian Chironi intervenes in the rooms of the Victoria Ocampo House with a selection of works carried out during his previous residences i...

22 June 2019 | Civitella Ranieri Center
Civitella Ranieri Foundation presents the second edition of Casting the Castle, a project curated by Saverio Verini, scheduled for Saturday,...

22 June - 5 July | Sala O Buenos Aires
What if our symbolic and biologic vaginas express themselves? What if we shy away from the dominant language to explore our complexities? ...

29.06.19 > 29.09.19 | Filatoio Rosso di Caraglio (CN)
A journey on the theme of water, articulated through video, photography, painting, drawing, sculpture and installation. The project include...

12 June | Numero Cromatico Rome
Messinscèna is a project of Numero Cromatico in Rome. The project wants to analyze the current artistic realities through a device of one s...

12.04.2019 > 04.07.2019 | Museo Novecento, Firenze
Elena Mazzi e Sara Tirelli, Masbedo, Janis Rafa, Oliver Ressler, Salvatore Arancio, Shadi Harouni, Sigalit Landau, José Guerrero con Antonio...

16.05.2019 > 26.05.2019 | Fondazione ICA, Milano
Ideation Cristian Chironi With Cristian Chironi FOG Production Triennale Milano Performing Arts Duration: 30 minutes "Chironi qu...

Sergio Breviario | Cristian Chironi | Flavio De Marco | Elena Mazzi | Margherita Moscardini
PAVILLION 3 STAND D03 Sergio Breviario | Cristian Chironi | Flavio De Marco | Elena Mazzi | Margherita Moscardini 5-7 April 2019 ...

29.03.2019 > 31.03.2019 | HECTOLITRE, Rue de l'hectolitre, 3 Brussels
Since January, Célestine à Gallipoli has invited three artists to undertake a two-month stay in the Hectolitre space. Primarily as a reside...

14.04.2019 > 28.07.2019 | Collezione Maramotti, Reggio Emilia
For the 2019 Fotografia Europea festival, entitled “Bonding. Intimacy, relationships, new worlds”, Collezione Maramotti presents The Fountai...

26.01.2019 - 13.04.2019 | Fondazione del Monte di Bologna e Ravenna
The Italian landscape in the history of contemporary art, with a dialogue between the paintings, sculptures, videos, photographs and install...

1+2+3 February | Artefiera Bologna
Bologna Drive is the next step of the project My House is a Le Corbusier. This time artist and performer, Cristian Chironi, seeks out eviden...

12.11.2018 > 23.11.2018 | àngels barcelona – espai 2, Barcelona
Daniel G. Andújar, Isaias Griñolo, Enrica Camporesi, Elena Mazzi, Daniela Ortiz, Oliver Ressler and Zanny Begg   Walls, borders, ...

Elena Mazzi | Margherita Moscardini | Anna Raimondo | studio ASYNCHROME | Jacopo Tomassini
MAIN SECTION PINK A  19 Elena Mazzi | Margherita Moscardini | Anna Raimondo | studio ASYNCHROME | Jacopo Tomassini     2 - 4 ...

17.11.2018 >03.03.2019 | Palazzo da Mosto, Reggio Emilia
Chiara Camoni, Alice Cattaneo, Elena El Asmar, Serena Fineschi, Ludovica Gioscia, Loredana Longo, Claudia Losi, Sabrina Mezzaqui A projec...

31.10.2018 > 04.11.2018 | Studio Bild, Torino
Anna Raimondo solo exhibition curated by Marco Trulli   Cantieri d'Arte - La villa ouverte, an art project in the public space in...

23.10.2018 > 27.10.2018 | ExElettrofonica
During VIDEOCITTA’, ExElettrofonica presents Concettina by Angela Marzullo e Divina! by Anna Raimondo.   Angela Marzullo CONCE...

14.10.2018 | ArtVerona
Sixth edition of the project supported by AGSM that finds in ArtVerona and in the collaboration of 13 directors of the main museums and inst...

13.10.2018 | ArtVerona
Margherita Moscardini wins the Icona Prize at ArtVerona2018. The ICONA Prize Commission, composed this year by Annamaria and Antonio Macc...

Cristian Chironi | Elena Mazzi | Margherita Moscardini | Timea Anita Oravecz
ARTVERONA 2018 Cristian Chironi | Elena Mazzi | Margherita Moscardini | Timea Anita Oravecz Section SCOUTING Pavillion 12    Booth ...

12.10.2018 > 03.02.2019 | ifa-Galerie, Berlin
Invisible Untie to Tie II - Movement.Bewegung With Zainab Andalibe, Kenza Benamour, Hicham Berrada, Mohammed Laouli, Abdessamad El Montass...

09.10.2018 > 08.12.2018 | GALLERIA STUDIO G7, Bologna
Flavio de Marco | Philippe Hurteau SCHERMORAMA   SCHERMORAMA is a project born from the meeting of two artists, Flavio de Marco an...

01.10.2018 > 02.11.2018 | Wimbledon Space, London
THE WAITING ROOM Curated by Karen David Dominic Beattie, Juan Bolivar, Hannah Brown, Nicky Carvell, Rachael Champion, Karen David, Jon E...

22.09 > 11.11.2018 | Palazzo dei Diamanti Offside
Flavio de Marco | FIGURE curated by Barbara Guidi www.palazzodiamanti.it...

14.09.2018 > 14.10.2018 | Centre of Contemporary Art, The Ancient Bath, Plovdiv
“IN MODERN ATHENS, the vehicles of mass transportation are called metaphorai. To go to work or come home, one takes a “metaphor”—a bus or a ...

04.09.2018 > 15.09.2018 | El CASo - Centro de Arte Sonoro, Buenos Aires
CASo - Sound Art Center invites you to the opening of SEREMOS SERIAS DE LA MANERA MAS ALEGRE, a solo show by Anna Raimondo "Following to...

02.09.2018 > 28.10.2018 | LA FRICHE LA BELLE DE MAI, Marseille
Stories, Traces, Passages: Badr El Hammami, Timea Anita Oravecz, Mohammed Laouli & Katrin Ströbel, Filipe Lippe Marseille, Hamburg an...

12.07.2018 > 24.08.2018 | Villa Romana, Firenze
Schengen Délio Jasse, Anna Raimondo, Jebila Okongwu You and your friends are cordially invited to the opening of the exhibition on Thursda...

11.07.2018 > 15.07.2018 | Henley Festival, London
Henley Festival - 11 July - 15 July 2018 - Artists: Kris Emmerson, Seana Gavin, Ludovica Gioscia, Siân Hislop, Samuel Levack and Jennifer ...

19.8.2018 | Bau- und Wohngenossenschaft Spreefeld, Berlin




(with Alberto Fiori)

Bau- und Wohngenossenschaft Spreefeld

28.06.2018 | Sala AUDITORIUM di ELICA via Ermanno Casoli, 2 – FABRIANO
MEETING WITH ELENA MAZZI THURSDAY 28 JUNE 2018 FROM 17.00 TO 18.30 ELICA auditorium auditorium via Ermanno Casoli, 2 - FABRIANO -------...

28.06.2018 | Marsèlleria – via privata Rezia 2, Milan
CRISTIAN CHIRONI - Polychromy 28 June – 14 September 2018 Marsèlleria via privata Rezia, 2 - Milan Opening Wednesday 27 June 2018, 7 - ...

Elena Mazzi won the XVII edition of Ermanno Casoli Prize with  "Mass age, message, mess age (Elica 2018)". "The artist was chosen for the...

MAMbo - Sala delle Ciminiere June 22 – November 11, 2018
That's IT! On the last generation of artists in Italy and one meter and eighty from the border MAMbo - Sala delle Ciminiere June 22 – Nove...

till 31.08.2018 | Esley House 24-30 London
Hardest Hue to Hold ​an Oaktree & Tiger exhibition, curated by Aindrea Emelife and sponsored by HKS Architects, at Elsley House, 24-30...

Lungotevere Castel Sant'Angelo, Rome 
Lungotevere Castel Sant'Angelo, Rome          Opening: Friday May 25th 2018, 08:30 pm - midnight On Friday May 25th at 8.30 pm, artQ13 inau...

bruno, Dorsoduro 2729, Venezia
Housebooks Cristian Chironi crosses the space at bruno with a selection of artworks that create a dialogue with famous architects Pierre Je...

14.4.2018 > 18.8.2018 | MUSEUM FRIEDER BURDA, Berlin
BACK TO NATURE? SALON BERLIN 13. April - 18. August 2018 New Nature – Super Human? Digitization is demanding its tribute, the Anthr...

Cristian Chironi | Margherita Moscardini | Timea Anita Oravecz | Anna Raimondo
Hall 3, booth D03 a shared booth with studio SALES di Norberto Ruggieri with the project INTERNO GIORNO Cristian Chironi, Margherita ...

6.4.2018 > 5.5.2018 | Pastificio Cerere, Roma
Fondazione Pastificio Cerere presents RIPARO Solo show by Guendalina Salini with a text by Silvia Litardi On Friday, April 6th a...

22.3.2018 > 10.5.2018 | Acquario Civico, Milan
Passaggi d'acqua curated by Lucilla Saccà, with Mario Gorni Rebecca Agnes, Bianco-Valente, Filippo Berta, Silvia Bordini, Alessandra C...

29.3.2018 | Montesanto, Napoli
End of residence exhibition March 29, 2018 September 2017 - March 2018 MontesantoArte: four artist residences at the Intelligent Distr...

10.3.2018 | ThalieLab, Bruxelles
SEMINAR • 10/03/2018 — 11:00 > 19:00 Questioning collaborative practices This seminar will conclude our first quarter of programmin...

7.3.2018 > 21.4.2018 | AlbumArte, Roma
AlbumArte and IILA | International Italian-Latin American organization present PARADISO Marlon de Azambuja, Elena Mazzi, Estefanía Pe...

21 February | 6.30 pm, La Médiatine, Bruxelles
Prix Médiatine Group show The Médiatine Prize is open to artists aged 18 to 40, regardless of their artistic background or technique. A ...

3.2.2018 > 3.3.2018 | Academy of Fine Arts in Bologna
On the occasion of Art City will be presented DUPLEX, the site specific project created by Cristian Chironi and Margherita Moscardini in the...

closing 4.2.2018 | Bologna
The exibition Imprevedibile, essere pronti per il futuro senza sapere come sarà, is about tu end; an exhibition of art and science conceived...

2 Februry 2018 11.30 - 17.00 | Victoria Gallery & Museum, University of Liverpool
Sackler CPD Programme Study Day: Post-Medium Collecting This Study Day’s keynote speaker is independent curator Rose Lejeune, who is cura...

1.2.2018 > 14.2.2018 | Gallleriapiù, Bologna
I Lied in Visa Center curated by Kateryna Filyuk Ana Blagojevic (RS / IT), Andrii Dostliev (PL / UA), Lia Dostlieva (PL / UA), Alevtin...

30th January, 7 pm | Bruxelles
Radio Creatures Happening radiofonico curated by Anna Raimondo Live from Recyclart in Brussels and streaming on Radio Panik and pre...

24.1.2018 | Nctm Studio Legale, Milano
nctm e l'arte meets Elena Mazzi In 2018, within the framework of the nctm project and art, a series of meetings will be proposed with art...

21.12.2018 | Accademia di Belle Arti di Verona
INTERROGATE TERRITORIES. IN THE ACADEMY GUEST ELENA MAZZI Thursday, December 21 at 17.00, as part of the lesson of Anthropology of Art pr...

16>22.12.2017 | Basilea
Angela Marzullo for THE BODY IS MY CANVAS edited by Ana Vujić Angela Marzullo Pawel Ferus Mirjam Spoolder Fabio Luks Jerry Haengg...

13.12.2017 ore 19.30 | Galleria d'Arte Moderna, Roma
PEREGRINE ON THE ROCKS Carola Spadoni with Tomaso Binga, Paola Gandolfi, Anna Raimondo "Here I find myself in an angular place, sha...

1.12.2017 ore 18 | LUISS Business School - Villa Blanc - Via Nomentana, 216, Roma
The Curatorial Collective composed of the students of the seventh edition of the LUISS Master of Art - I Level University Master, under the ...

29.11.2017 | Victoria Deluxe, Gent, Belgium
Performing the self – the interview Mestizo Art Festival 2017 Welcome! How much confidence do you need to have someone fit your bab...

Opening December 2nd | Palazzo Podestarile, Montelupo
Materia Montelupo. Contemporary Ceramic Shipyards edited by Matteo Zauli Lorenza Boisi / Chiara Camoni / Maddalena Casadei / Ludovica G...

Inaugurazione 22 Novembre | Palazzo Fiano, Piazza San Lorenzo in Lucina 4, Roma
L'Arte che Accadrà. Second edition of contemporary art award curated by Valentina Ciarallo. Inauguration: Wednesday 22 November 2017 f...

November 16th, 6.30 p.m.
Artist Talk   MANIFESTO Berlino Flavio de Marco and Pietro Babina "Manifesto" is a project started began in 2005 by the painter Flavio...

Artistic residence | Nov 30th > Apr 30th
On Board> 2017 residencies in the field of visual arts, design and contemporary curatorial training support for the national and inte...

29 October > 5 November | Torino
Camouflaging [in] Society With Mara Oscar Cassiani, Daniela Comani, Jasper Otto Eisenecker, Jack Fisher, Eva & Franco Mattes, Corinne...

Elena Mazzi | Margherita Moscardini
Section DIALOGUE Booth PINK A  19 Elena Mazzi | Margherita Moscardini   3-5 November 2017 Oval Lingotto Fiere, Torino &...

October 21st > December 9th | Cúcuta, Colombia | A part of the BIENALSUR, the 1st Art Biennial of South America
Curated by Luis Miguel Brahim and Alex Brahim   The Biennial of Contemporary Art , Biennale of South America BIENALSUR presents t...

18 October > 1 December | Palazzo Archinto, Milan
The exhibition is a collaboration between the ASP "Golgi - Redaelli" and ArtCityLab cultural association and is part of the initiative Milan...

14 October | EXMA Exhibiting and Moving Arts, Cagliari
LA GIORNATA DEL CONTEMPORANEO 2017 For La giornata del contemporaneo  2017, organized by AMACI - Association of Italian Museums of Contem...

13 Ottobre | Mausoleo di Monte del Grano, Rome
Guendalina Salini | La città interiore curated by sguardo contemporaneo For the second edition of Rome Art Week, an annual event, born t...

7 Ottobre | MacroLottoZero, Prato
MLZ - Body To Be by Kinkaleri, Massimo Conti, Marco Mazzoni, Gina Monaco Body To Be is a project by Kinkaleri on contemporary performance...

3 Oct > 24 Nov | Assab One, Milan
THE PAINTER AND THE MODEL. The noise of the gaze or the body that looks. 35 artists investigate one of the most explored areas of artisti...

2 Oct 2017 > 31 Jen 2018 | ThalieLab Brussels
RESIDENCIES • 02/10/2017 > 31/01/2018 Elena Mazzi (Italy) / Identities and territories Identities and territories, this theoretical a...

28 Sept - 5 Nov | Palazzo Ducale Urbino
The Galleria Nazionale delle Marche presents SPAZIO K, space dedicated to young artists. The first edition, titled “La Conquista dello Sp...

9 Nov - 9 Dec | Pierre Jeanneret Museum, Chandigarh (India)
Chandigarh (India) November 9th > December 9th 2017 Pierre Jeanneret Museum Following a series of residences and encounters in struc...

15 October | Palazzo Vendramin Costa, Venezia
Group show with work by Andrea Aquilanti (I), Peter Bracke (B), Hedwig Brouckaert (B/US), Davide d'Elia (I), Lieven Neirinck (B) and Massimo...

Opening 14.9.2017 | Hamburger Bahnhof – Museum für Gegenwart – Berlin
‘The challenge is in the moment, the time is always now.’ (James A. Baldwin) The second edition of the Festival of Future Nows is taking ...

5 August - 1 October | Nuovo Spazio di Casso (Pn)
La lama di Procopio   Nuovo Spazio di Casso, Casso (PN) A Dolomiti Contemporanee and AGI Verona Collection exhibit Curated by...

Opening 5th August | Los Angeles
Baert gallery is delighted to present the first Los Angeles solo show by London based artist Ludovica Gioscia, Infinite Present. The titl...

1 July – 4 August 2017 | Konstanz
The exhibition Miramare, presenting works by italian artist Flavio de Marco, focuses on the fantasy - dimensions of landscapes in the time o...

30 June - 2 July 2017 | London
Mayfair Art Weekend | Max Mara | London To give new life. To bring back to the world. The objects that form part of our lives accompany...

24 June 2017 at 5:30 pm | Turin
The Fondazione Spinola Banna per l’Arte and GAM Galleria Civica d’Arte Moderna e Contemporanea di Torino present the exhibition Atlante Ene...

22 June - 6 October 2017 | Genoa
Adalberto Abbate – Gaetano Cunsolo – Davide D’elia Curate by Pietro Gaglianò Opening: Thursday June 22nd, 6.30pm - 9,30pm    ...

8 June 2017 | Closing exhibition
Tomorrow June 8th is the last day to visit the exhibition of our French artist Rachel Bastie, this is her first exhibition in Italy. ...

6 - 21 June 2017 | Lecce
Artistic residence and Exhibition| Manifatture Knoss, Lecce The "Green Heart" award, in its first edition, was born with the aim of stimu...

31 May 2017 | Rome
Teatro India – 5 pm. Factory Ø how to do, produce, design, inspire, imagine. It is a transversal and collaborative project designed for ...

12 May 2017 | Rome
Lounges del Corporate Hospitality degli Internazionali BNL d’Italia Viale delle Olimpiadi – Foro italico Roma   Art Ludovic...

16 May - 1 October 2017 | Turin
  Artists: Afterall, Elisabetta Benassi, Francesco Bertelé, Ludovica Carbotta, Paolo Chiasera, Gandolfo Gabriele Dav...

30 April - 9 June 2017 | Città di Castello
Opening: Saturday, 29 April,18.00 | Free entrance Marco Baldicchi |Filippo Berta | Alighiero Boetti | Mircea Cantor| Christo | Dina Danish ...

5 April - 30 July 2017 | Turin - Rome - Modena
Born from the collaboration of three Italian museums and curated by Maria Luisa Pacelli, director of the Gallerie d’Arte Moderna e Contempor...

Cristian Chironi | Elena Mazzi | Margherita Moscardini
Hall 3, booth D07 a share booth with studio SALES with the project TUTTO ITALIANO Cristian Chironi, Elena Mazzi, Margherita Moscardin...

28 March - 27 May 2017 | Milan
M77 Gallery is pleased to present an exclusive preview of “Planetarium”, the new project by artist Flavio de Marco (b. Lecce, 1975) on Monda...

17 Dec. 2016 – 5 Feb. 2017 | Lecce
curated by Lorenzo Madaro and Brizia Minerva Carlo V Castle, XXV Luglio Avenue, Lecce The exhibition, sponsored by the City of Lecce, ...

26 Nov. 2016 - 4 Febr. 2017 | Verona
Saturday, November 26, 2016, at 11:30 am, opens the exhibition Back to the Land curated by Andrea Lerda. On show will be presented several w...

16 November 2016 | Florence
BASE / PROGETTI PER L'ARTE / BASE OPEN A series of events with the new generation of artists Margherita Moscardini 1XUnknown (1942-2017...

17 November 2016 | Florence
The VISIO Young Talent Acquisition Prize goes to Elena Mazzi, present to VISIO. Outside The Black Box with video THE FINANCIAL SINGING. V...

Elena Mazzi | Cristian Chironi
Section DIALOGUE Booth LILAC 4 Elena Mazzi | Cristian Chironi   Oval Lingotto Fiere, Torino 4 – 6 november 2016   &nbs...

14 - 30 October 2016 | Rome
Talent Price 2016 | group show (finalists’ show) Elena Mazzi FINALIST VIDEO The Financial Singing MACRO, Museo d'Arte Contemporanea ...

6 May 2016 | Rome
Twiner#4 With or Without Wings is the title that Ex Elettrofonica Contemporary art Gallery and Secondome design gallery gave to their projec...

20 Dec. 2015 - 15 June 2016 | Cagliari
Cagliari's City Museums present The Cave, a project by artist Cristian Chironi which opens the new exhibition venue Cartec - Cava arte conte...

Cristian Chironi | Margherita Moscardini
We will be happy to welcome you at booth LILAC 16. Works by: CRISTIAN CHIRONI | MARGHERITA MOSCARDINI   Oval Lingotto Fiere, T...

23 Oct. - 24 Nov. 2016 | Rome
Ex Elettrofonica is pleased to announce an exhibit entitled The End of Geography, a project by Guendalina Salini, which will open on Thursda...

Ursula Burke | Margherita Moscardini | Guendalina Salini
We will be happy to welcome you at booth B-14. Works by: Ursula Burke | Margherita Moscardini | Guendalina Salini   ArtInterna...

7 - 17 May 2015 | Rome
Twiner#3 Landscape is the title that Ex Elettrofonica Contemporary art Gallery and Secondome design gallery gave to their project for the Co...

Works by Margherita Moscardini
Torino 7 - 9 November 2014. Oval, Lingotto Fiere New Entries booth Fuxia 12 Works by Margherita Moscardini Ex Elettrofonica propose...

Davide D’Elia | Pesce Kete
Dialogue: the Art of thinking together. a project by Studio SALES di Norberto Ruggeri & Ex Elettrofonica. Ex Elettrofonica presents: ...

Michela De Mattei | Margherita Moscardini | Leonid Tsvetkov
Brussels Expo. 25 - 27 April 2014 SECTION CURATOR’S VIEW Landscape as a social system Michela De Mattei / Margherita Moscardini / Leonid...